Learn How to Set Up a Fishing Pole in 8 Steps
Fishing is a joy to many people and it can be as complicated or as simple as you like. It’s up to you how you choose to engage in the sport. One thing is for certain, however, you’ll need to know how to set up a fishing pole. Some people can fish with spears or their bare hands, and of...
Foosball rules: How To Play Foosball By The Rules
I think we would all agree on how we all loved watching the six main characters on F.R.I.E.N.D.S spend time winning and losing on a table game called foosball. Some of those foosball games scenes made me want to learn how to play foosball. However, despite my love for table games, I was not really good at it in...
how to set up fishing line: All You Need To Know About Fishing Lines
What is the one thing that connects you to the fish you’ve just caught? It is the fishing line that you use for your fishing rod. These days, fishing lines come in numerous types and serve different purposes. When going ice fishing, choosing a fishing line that caters to your needs is of utmost importance. It’s also important to...
7 Clever Techniques of Fishing Without a Fishing Pole!
The art and act of fishing have been a part of mankind since the Paleolithic age. Besides hunting and gathering food resources on land, men also had to search the waters for food and they knew the ways of fishing without a pole. In ancient times, it was an occupation for many just as it today. But in modern...
cool bike helmets: Accessories You Need For The Ultimate Biking Experience
When I first got the hang of riding a bicycle, I always wanted to do more than just ride. I also wanted to look cool and feel cool while exploring the roads. Seeing other cyclists having better gears and accessories instilled a sense of envy in me which bothered me to my core. I decided to wait for no...

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