how to clean a lawn mower: How to Clean an Electric Lawn Mower?
When you have a top-class electric lawn mower, you have an effective tool to help with lawn maintenance with the convenience of electric power. While an electric lawn mower is a great tool to have, it can become dirty and filled with debris to the point where it functions poorly. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a new one,...
fire pit types: Light up back yard
A fire pit adds spice to the otherwise dull backyard of your house. Everyone loves to sit around a fire pit with their friends and family, roast marshmallows, and gossip. There are different categories of fire pits and each comes with its unique design, perks, and drawbacks. We’ll discuss different fire pit types in this article so you get...
what kind of oil for lawn mower: A Guide To Choosing Lawn Mower Fuels
Before using a lawn mower, we always read the manufacturer’s instructions and check its fuel requirements. The fuel requirements of a lawn mower usually depend on the type of engine and the type of lawn mower in question, but how many among us know that? Many people make the mistake of thinking that they know their lawn mowers well,...
fire pit cooking: try these recipes!
There’s something primeval about open fire cooking. It’s also an easy way of cooking outside and you can play with raw fire when you’re engaged in fire pit cooking. Whether you’re cooking over a fire pit at your own backyard or you’re going on a camping trip, we’re here to help you out with the basics of cooking on...
How to Maintain and Manage Your Lawn
Every homeowner with a lawn wants their lawn to look clean and beautiful in all seasons. It also has to be functional for kids to play and for bees and birds to habituate. The lawn landscape does change with varying seasons and to prevent your lawn from damage, lawn maintenance is necessary. However, only mowing will not suffice. Trees, flowers, and shrubs...

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